Have you ever been interested in making work that crosses media disciplines?

Are you looking for ways to rework/ recycle older work?

Are you intrigued with the idea of upcycling materials to transform into unique work?

Jeff Hirst - Printmaking & Painting

Explore the similarities and differences between printmaking and drawing and discover what happens when the two disciplines meet!

Regardless of what medium you work in, this class will help you:

  • Create new and engaging imagery
  • Combine printmaking and experimental drawing ideas to create hybrid imagery
  • Expand your problem-solving skills
  • Understand color relationships through multilayered imagery
  • Develop work that reflects and further develops your vision
  • Experience the idea/ process of using materials in a new context
  • Build new work at a rapid pace using cardboard and other found materials through upcycling

The concept of building, taking apart, and re-building will be a key component in the class and serve as a compass for creating.

Work created in the class will be analyzed and serve as a springboard for creating altered pieces that utilize the same theme. Materials that are upcycled, re-built, and/or re-purposed will create an entirely new context . Learn how you can use the idea of "building" in other bodies of work you create.

What happens when you start to repurpose materials in your practice? Discover different ways of using cardboard and other discarded remnants. How does mixing materials alter your perception and change how you think about making work?

Jeff Hirst - Printmaking & Painting

Have you ever wanted to explore process-oriented ideas that flow outside your comfort zone?

Jeff shows you the techniques and tools he employs when working with hybrid imagery, regardless if your work is small or large.

I believe that creating art is about transforming materials [to] reflect the artist’s vision. My teaching approach involves sparking ideas and encouraging risks while creating.

~Jeff Hirst ~

Jeff Hirst - Printmaking & Painting

During this class, you will explore:

  • Composition challenges when mixing disciplines
  • Learning different ways to work with silkscreen monotypes, drypoint, gel monotypes, and linocuts
  • Unorthodox surface manipulation when combining materials
  • Class exercises to further inspire and brainstorm possibilities
  • Revealing and defining your voice through unusual juxtapositions
  • Understanding how to upcycle "castoff" materials

While teaching I promote brainstorming, allowing ideas to germinate and develop. When making work, the process is important and finding one’s own path during creation is crucial.

~Jeff Hirst ~

This course is for you if you:

  • Want to discover new possibilities with materials you previously had not considered
  • Are willing to take chances and experiment
  • Are interested in experimental drawing
  • want to further your ideas of complex compositions and color relationships
  • Want to be challenged and bring change to your work

Jeff Hirst - Printmaking & Painting

Take advantage of this class & redefine your work!

Start seeing all the potential abandoned "castoffs" and learn how to combine these materials in unique ways. Understand how process and content may overlap while developing unique imagery.
Live, in-class sessions take the materials deeper as you focus on refining your artistic voice.

Jeff Hirst - Printmaking & Painting


  • Pre-recoded demos of the printing and drawing techniques.
  • 4 live online instructional meetings that expand on the video content with extensive Q&A. Each session is 1.5 hours long.
  • A resource guide identifying where to get the best materials and supplies.
  • 3 months of access to the recordings of the live sessions. Now you can be fully present soaking up the demos instead of frantically taking notes.
  • Small class size with lots of personalized attention. Maximum 20 students.
  • Additional handouts and exercises.
  • videos of artists using materials in unorthodox ways.

Take advantage of this class & start adding these techniques to your practice now!

Jeff Hirst - Printmaking & Painting

Jeff creates a dynamic, engaging place to explore new mediums, techniques, and ideas. His exploratory teaching approach will push you out of your comfort zone while building your confidence technically and conceptually. Discover why Jeff believes that magic happens at the intersection of painting, printmaking, and sculpture. 


Q: Are we going to draw in traditional approaches?

A: While traditional drawing is not prohibited, artists will be encouraged to use experimental approaches towards drawing: pouring, staining, printing with charcoal, using viscous sculptural surfaces, drawing with vegetable matter, etc.


Q: How do I access the class?

A: Once you purchase the class, you will have access to the course content (pre-recorded, handouts, and live meeting s. Each unit shows the day, time, and how to join the live session on Zoom. Classes will take place live on Zoom. The recorded live sessions will be uploaded to the course for replay.


Q: How do I access the class?

A: Once you purchase the class, you will have access to the course content (pre-recorded, handouts, and live meeting s. Each unit shows the day, time, and how to join the live session on Zoom. Classes will take place live on Zoom. The recorded live sessions will be uploaded to the course for replay.

Q: I have more questions. How do I reach you?

A: You can email Jeff at [email protected].

Jeff Hirst - Printmaking & Painting

Jeff Hirst draws on over 35 years of professional experience in helping you realize your artistic goals. With an MFA in painting and printmaking from Louisiana State University, he seamlessly moves between various mediums. In his work and teaching, Jeff explores the intersection of printmaking techniques, painting, and sculpture, the place where he believes magic happens.

Jeff pioneered the process of combining silkscreen and encaustic painting in 2005 and remains the only resource for learning this technique.

He is always thinking outside of the box combining high and low-tech solutions in executing his work. You will find his perspective opens up new ways of seeing your practice and approaching your work and is ideal for mixed-media artists. He is also recognized as an R & F Handmade Paint Core Instructor and a Silver Brush Educator.


Jeff is a generous teacher, focused but relaxed. I am primarily a painter and came with very little printmaking instruction; Jeff made the principles of the specific techniques accessible and clear, yet was open and very encouraging of experimentation, including mixing printmaking types and even other media.

~ Peggy E. ~

Jeff Hirst is one of my favorite teachers! His love of the work comes out in the enthusiasm he shows for the work of his students, and his patience helps us through the rough patches when we want to be as good as he is. His unique combination of artistic and teacher skills make classes a joy to participate in. I always look forward to spending two days with Jeff. 

~ Nancy D. ~

Jeff is an accomplished and talented artist who shares his knowledge and techniques with such enthusiasm that it is contagious. Each class presented a new challenge that included suggestions to combine methods from previous lessons. With Jeff, I was introduced to monoprint, intaglio, collagraph, and screenprinting. And more! I observed firsthand how a creative artist pushes the limits and experiments in a fun and safe way!

~ Kathy E. ~

Jeffrey Hirst's class on mixed media printmaking was terrific and I would highly recommend it. He provided lots of information, guidance, and instruction on various types of printmaking. But he also fostered a learning environment that allowed for experimentation with the various media. And if it worked out - fine, and if not, he exhibited great patience and encouragement for my trying it differently next time. I also appreciated his honest and candid feedback about my work. That is how I learn best. And finally, Jeff was personable with a great sense of humor. Our class had a wonderful week working with him.

~ Carol R. ~

The workshop was one of my all-time favorites! I feel energized and feel the courage to continue experimenting! I needed this!!!

~ Michele B. ~

I appreciate how your class was accessible to beginners as well as advanced printmakers. You welcome all levels and anyone can improve and expand their artistic language from your teachings. I think our students were at various levels and I could see that it wasn't boring for advanced students as well as not overwhelming for beginners. And thank you for your friendly, patient, and generous attitude and making the class fun. There was a good vibe and we learned a ton! Your printmaking workshop was a creatively magical experience and I was so sad to see it end. I hope you enjoyed your time in Cullowhee and hope you come back!

~ Dawn B. ~

The class is open for registration!