Are you ready to dive into working on large-scale intuitive work? 

Would you like to discover new approaches towards developing your methods and content?

Are you ready to let go of any precious passages in your work and dive deeper into process?

This workshop brings together the team of Paula Roland and Jeff Hirst, two artists with many years of professional experience, often collaborate on teaching.

Both use paper extensively and have designed a workshop that merges paper and water-based media on a large scale. Paula and Jeff focus on physicality and materials in their own work, with an emphasis on intuitive explorations that ultimately lead to the development of personal or desired content. 

What is Brave Space?

This popular course is presented in sections that focus on painting and drawing large (up to 5’) with mixed water-based media and unorthodox materials and tools. The first component is designed as a discovery-in-process, with intuition as a driving force. Artists will be given parameters to use with the idea that the work will change and evolve in the process of creating. Other components in the class involve recycling art and materials and to arrive at new work(s), and the use of unusual processes to freely move through space and interact with the arts large surfaces. 

In addition to challenging you visually, this workshop will further expand your knowledge of working large on paper, unstreched canvas, cardboard, and other non-traditional materials.

Class discussions will take place that focus on how your content and visual language intersect. The class will use a series of personal prompts that help you realize new paradigms that might exist within your work. The underlying theme of the class is to take chances while working large.

How does it work?

·      Meets for six 120-minute sessions, spanning several weeks, on Zoom. 

·      Between Zoom meetings, participants work in their own studio space and present works for review at the next class.

·      We include a resource guide for where to get the best materials and supplies.

·      Each class is recorded (in case you must miss one), with 3 months of access to the recordings. 

·      Limited to 20 participants.

Instruction takes place through short, pre-recorded videos. We review works created, hold Q and A sessions, and experiment/ and brainstorming "what if" approaches to art-making. Class discussions focus on how your content and visual language intersect.

Bonus: Paula and Jeff will meet with each participant individually in November via a 15 minute Zoom meeting to discuss their work and direction.

Jeff Hirst - Printmaking & Painting

Topics and concepts covered in the course:

·      Working large

·   Incorporating inspiration from nature and the man-made world

·      Developing intuition and new approaches towards creating 

·      Getting and staying loose 

·      Working large, maneuvering through space using the whole body and unusual tools and materials 

·      Encourage risk-taking and letting go of preciousness

·      Developing rich surfaces, content, and strategies that carries over to the future

·      Resolve works that appear chaotic

·      Develop personal process that can be utilized in future works

·      Learn how to translate smaller drawings into large scale work.

·      Use line, shape, and color in unique approaches.  

·      Class exercises and brainstorming to further inspire.

·      Further revealing and defining your voice through unusual juxtapositions.

As the class evolves, you will determine new ways to work defining your own perimenters and goals

Who is this course for?

This class is an excellent fit for artists who have a desire to work large on paper and are looking to shake up their current creative process.

·      Artists at all career stages have found great benefit from working in the “Brave Space”. 

·      Those with extensive experience have found paths to unexpected new directions. 

·      Newer artists have been propelled in ways usually found through advanced coursework in art schools.

·      “Graduates” of Brave Space are welcome to enroll again, as there will be new assignments, and any repeats can be approached differently.


"We will discuss how you can take risks while working large to create dynamic pieces. The class is really about process rather than products and the information we will share will stay with you for years to come."

~ Jeff Hirst and Paula Roland


Jeff Hirst - Printmaking & Painting

The class is open for registration!



Q: How do I access the class?

A: Once you purchase the class, you will have access to the course content (pre-recorded, handouts, and live meetings. Each unit shows the day, time, and how to join the live session on Zoom.


Q: How much experience do I need working large on paper?

A: You do not need any experience working on large paper. Paula and Jeff will present ideas about working large that will open new doors for you. We will use paper, unstrecthed canvas, cardboard, and other unconventional substrates for creating.

Q: I have more questions. How do I reach you?

A: You can email Jeff at [email protected] or [email protected]


Joanne Desmond

"Untitled", Mixed Media, 52" x 40"


Renee Oberdorf

(Aleeta Renée Jones)

"Untitled", Mixed Media, 50" x 50"


Joan Stuart Ross

"Nu Blu", Mixed Media, 50" x 38"


For me, my 2020 “Brave Space” workshop with Jeff and Paula was both serendipity and destiny. For a while, I had intended to work big, on large paper, but taking this workshop gave me the impetus to really do it. Once I started, I have not stopped since then. My work has taken on the bravado and risk that I’d been thinking about. Brave Space has pushed my thoughts into action, and has encouraged me to embrace surprise and invention on a larger scale.

Joan Stuart Ross

Finding my own path with all these new possibilities will take some more time, thinking, dreaming and experimenting.

 I was so happy to get an assignment because in a workshop online you see tryouts from other participants but you never know what they really accomplished, but with an assignment everybody tries his best and I was so supprised to see all the beautiful high level art work, thanks to you, Paula.



Jeff Hirst is one of my favorite teachers! His love of the work comes out in the enthusiasm he shows for the work of his students, and his patience helps us through the rough patches when we want to be as good as he is. His unique combination of artistic and teacher skills make classes a joy to participate in. I always look forward to spending time in Jeff's classes. 

Nancy D.

Brave Space is the best workshop I’ve ever taken! Paula and Jeff bring a rare wealth of combined experience: great exercises and guidance, helpful critiques, tons of tips on materials and everything unique to painting large, from getting started through displaying the final works, and so much more. The workshop is intense and packed with helpful guidance. What I loved most was the way they were able to inspire all of us to stay loose, take chances, and experiment with abandon. I found I love painting large! I've been juried into the only two shows I've applied to since taking the workshop. Highly recommended!

Aleeta Renée Jones

Jeffrey Hirst fostered a learning environment that allowed for experimentation with various media. And if it worked out - fine, and if not, he exhibited great patience and encouragement for my trying it differently next time. I also appreciated his honest and candid feedback about my work. That is how I learn best. And finally, Jeff was personable with a great sense of humor. Our class had a wonderful week working with him

Carol R.

Dear Jeff and Paula, 

I really enjoyed this class. It was freeing to apply various media without planning and was exciting to arrive at unexpected juxtapositions, textures and patterns. The assignments were challenging, and I loved working large. I can hardly believe I developed 5 paintings in 6 weeks, two of which are finished! 

Julie Mehretu’s video was quite humbling. My large works, 3’x4’, are puny in comparison. I could achieve 6’ tall paintings, max, considering ceiling heights, and 15’ wide, but then I probably could not get them out of the house. Now I want to spray paint (have an air brush) and wish I could afford a crew of assistants.

You two are excellent instructors/mentors. Your critiques are insightful, supportive and encouraging. I am looking forward to additional workshops.

Highest regards,

Bobbi Kilty

I am an artist in Canada and really enjoyed and learned from a course given by Jeff and Paula called Brave Space. This course taught me:

There are tools other than a paint brush, you CAN put twenty layers of medium on paper, there are so many materials available to use in a painting than just paint, to do unpredictable things and that there is so much more inside of us that we can use to be creative.

I loved this course and also enjoyed the teaching techniques of Jeff and Paula.

Sue Hammond 
